History of the Inn: Harry the Trapper

Ever wonder where we got the inspiration for naming our rooms? We dug into the archives of the nearly 300 years of Glencairn history and paid tribute to a few of its interesting inhabitants. The Baldwin Suite is named for perhaps the most fascinating character of Glencairn, Harry Baldwin, or more affectionately known as Harry the Trapper.

Harry lived in the Stone Wing of the house around the turn of the nineteenth century and was employed as a farmer on the property. The farm at that time ran up past Carter Road and onto the property now owned by Bristol Myers. Harry tended to the cows, chopped wood, and became known around the area as a first class trapper. He earned a fair amount of income from trapping animals and selling their fur. Children would bring their trapped muskrats, raccoons, and skunks to Harry, and Harry would skin them for 25 cents and sell them to a local buyer. Given his rough and tumble ways, Harry always smelled a little of skunk and had a habit of spitting tobacco wherever he pleased! Yet, despite his crude ways, Harry was also honest to a fault and known as a kind person.

The Great Room Fireplace

The Great Room Fireplace

Years later, after we converted the farmhouse into the Inn at Glencairn, we were fortunate to strike up a friendship with a descendant of Harry, our dear friend Audrey. She loved Halloween, and made an annual pilgrimage to the Inn to stay in the Baldwin Suite hoping for a “visit” from her dear, departed relative. Harry never showed up, but we always enjoyed our visits with Audrey!

So, next time you walk into the stone side of the Inn and up to the Baldwin Suite, close your eyes and imagine a time when Harry was living there enjoying a good book by the fire or sharing some stories with the children who brought him their hides!